• Took hip hop @ the RSF with Oliver, Sammy, Amber, Katie, and Eric! We bought bandanas from the dollar store to make ourselves more hiphop. Someone asked me if we were part of a crew puahaha! :D I should've said yes.
Also, Shelby is my new favorite person. He teaches hip hop. very passionately.
• The weather in Berkeley needs to make up its mind. Seriously, I check my macbook dashboard every chance I get so I can decide what to wear, but it always friggin changes once I step out the door. I think that's part of why I love summer. It's just so simple, you can wear a shirt and jeans or shorts and you're set for the rest of the day.
• Speaking of MacBooks.

Steve Jobs is making every Apple product I own a vintage (or, soon, antique) thing. Oh well, I got a free iPod touch & printer with my much-loved black MacBook.
• I watch a lot of intramural games here... InterVarsity has a lot of IM teams (basketball, football, softball, volleyball) and I've kind of become resident cheerleader, especially for basketball. I guess I kinda miss doing rallies and such during high school.
• Speaking of high school, HOMECOMING this weekend! I never thought I would get homesick while being here, but it's hitting me slowly but surely. I heard we crushed Lynbrook at their HC last week so props to our team haha. It'll be pretty surreal seeing everything from an outsider's perspective--I'm excited!
• I'm writing this post from the aisle of my physics lecture hall. I thought that coming right at 9:40am (which is when it legitimately starts, "Berkeley Time") would be fine and I could get a seat, but apparently everyone comes to lecture... Who knew?
I actually came here expecting to take the quiz to prove that I woke up for this class, but I guess he's giving it to us on Thursday.
I'm tempted to just peace out now..
cause I'm sitting right under an air vent and it's fuh-reezing.
Sooo jealous I couldn't be part of the hip-hoppin' crew
a couple of things:
1) eric's gotta badonkadonk in that picture, so much junk in his trunk!
2) you seem to have forgotten the undefeated IM soccer team that no IV kids go out to watch...
3) get well soon
4) aileen like a soko
5) world's natest
6) overnight success!
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