So some people have seen me online at insane hours of the night/morning (but now that I think about it, 4:30am doesn't sound too insane anymore). BUT what I've realized is that I always, always, always end up cozily inside my bed somehow before I'm done studying and waking up just in time for my final or whatnot. I don't think I've ever gotten through like 24 hours without at least sleeping for an eighth of the time.... that's probably a good thing, right? *shrug!
On my list for next semester: regulate my sleeping schedule! Or else I will never grow taller! Ha.
In other news,

(someone random blogged about it and I found this through Google search. Love Google-ing!)
It snowed in Cupertino?? When/where/how? The cold these days makes me regret ever complaining about like 55 degree weather. It's kind of nice though! And I can know what to wear for the day without worrying about later on in the day. (<-- me being optimistic :))
Hm. All my blogs turn into mind-dumps. Oh well.. I just can't wait to go home and recuperate from ultra lack of sleep and home-cooked meals and favorite familiar places. Yeee!
X-Men Origins: Wolverine trailer