Monday, March 9, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
1. I cannot study or do anything remotely productive ANYWHERE if my desk in my room is cluttered and messy. Cleaning my desk gets me in my "study mode."
2. I really really love The Little Prince. So calm yet powerful, mature yet innocent, simple yet insightful. "But the eye is blind.. One must look with the heart." <333
3. A lot of people at Berkeley think I'm from socal. Mmm.. interesting! Thoughts?
4. I make To-Do lists on post-its/random scraps of paper. Sometimes like 3 different ones each day. It's kind of disgusting cause I also use a planner... and I rarely ever follow them exactly, although I reallyyy mean to.
5. I lahv my iCal(endar) on my macbook. I love being able to look on it and see my entire life pretty much scheduled out hahaha.
6. Sometimes I make video posts on people's facebook walls but end up not posting them because I feel too embarrassed after watching them again.
7. Sun = <333 Waking up to a sunny day = one of the Top 5 Best Things EVER.
8. I am saving up for an electric violin.. it's a loong process.
9. So, I need(want) to get a job! At AvantCard fashofhaosfhoasho. Love that place.
10. I can either be really awkward or really outgoing. It depends so much on my mood or who I'm with or just how I'm feeling at that moment. I wish I were always outgoing though, cause I usually regret being quiet/shy/awkward when I could've not been that way.
11. I think I hold back on saying a lot of things because I'm too wary of how other people might feel/perceive me. Maybe that makes me passive aggressive, which I don't really like either, cause I hold things in a lot.
12. My personality test says I can be overly cynical. Ohhh how I hope I'm not!
13. If I didn't have the world's pressures on me, I'd want to become an artist (music, aesthetic, design, etc). But I really would have no idea where to start with that.. so maybe I'll just be the person who helps artists through business! Hm.
14. Little things make huge differences for me. Like one person's smile or word of affirmation, cold shoulder or look of disapproval, a hug or short message of encouragement, they all can make or break how I feel.
15. I am too idealistic sometimes. I'm workin on being more realistic haha.
16. I love creative writing and I wanna publish a fiction novel someday!
17. I am THE worst at telling stories, jokes, whatever. It always ends with the oh-so-sarcastic, "Oh wow can you tell that story again, it was so funny." :*(
18. I also suck at being the mafia or the killer or whatnot in games. When someone accuses me I just kinda freeze up and know it's over for me right then and there cause I can't defend myself.
19. If I could, I would spend allll my time with people allll day cause that makes me happy. Buttt I'm trying to manage my time so if I happen to turn you down for a hangout/meal offer, don't hate me :P
20. I walk around with my iPod earphones in not because I'm actively trying to be antisocial but because music helps me focus my thoughts and keep me pumped up as I go through the day.
21. My hands and feet are usually cold. But as Nina would say, "Cold hands mean a warm heart!" Puaha. And also the tip of my nose freezes when it's cold out.
22. I realllyyyy want to go spend a day in the city. Haven't been during the day since I've been at Cal -_- lol
23. I love to chill with people, I just suck at initiating. Sooo lemme know if you wanna hang out! I'm workin on it too :)
24. I sing when I'm alone. a looottt. (My floormates probably hear me sometimes, but whatev puaha.)
25. I wrote this list bit by bit over a course of a few days cause I can't just come up with 25 random things about me all at once! The end.
2. I really really love The Little Prince. So calm yet powerful, mature yet innocent, simple yet insightful. "But the eye is blind.. One must look with the heart." <333
3. A lot of people at Berkeley think I'm from socal. Mmm.. interesting! Thoughts?
4. I make To-Do lists on post-its/random scraps of paper. Sometimes like 3 different ones each day. It's kind of disgusting cause I also use a planner... and I rarely ever follow them exactly, although I reallyyy mean to.
5. I lahv my iCal(endar) on my macbook. I love being able to look on it and see my entire life pretty much scheduled out hahaha.
6. Sometimes I make video posts on people's facebook walls but end up not posting them because I feel too embarrassed after watching them again.
7. Sun = <333 Waking up to a sunny day = one of the Top 5 Best Things EVER.
8. I am saving up for an electric violin.. it's a loong process.
9. So, I need(want) to get a job! At AvantCard fashofhaosfhoasho. Love that place.
10. I can either be really awkward or really outgoing. It depends so much on my mood or who I'm with or just how I'm feeling at that moment. I wish I were always outgoing though, cause I usually regret being quiet/shy/awkward when I could've not been that way.
11. I think I hold back on saying a lot of things because I'm too wary of how other people might feel/perceive me. Maybe that makes me passive aggressive, which I don't really like either, cause I hold things in a lot.
12. My personality test says I can be overly cynical. Ohhh how I hope I'm not!
13. If I didn't have the world's pressures on me, I'd want to become an artist (music, aesthetic, design, etc). But I really would have no idea where to start with that.. so maybe I'll just be the person who helps artists through business! Hm.
14. Little things make huge differences for me. Like one person's smile or word of affirmation, cold shoulder or look of disapproval, a hug or short message of encouragement, they all can make or break how I feel.
15. I am too idealistic sometimes. I'm workin on being more realistic haha.
16. I love creative writing and I wanna publish a fiction novel someday!
17. I am THE worst at telling stories, jokes, whatever. It always ends with the oh-so-sarcastic, "Oh wow can you tell that story again, it was so funny." :*(
18. I also suck at being the mafia or the killer or whatnot in games. When someone accuses me I just kinda freeze up and know it's over for me right then and there cause I can't defend myself.
19. If I could, I would spend allll my time with people allll day cause that makes me happy. Buttt I'm trying to manage my time so if I happen to turn you down for a hangout/meal offer, don't hate me :P
20. I walk around with my iPod earphones in not because I'm actively trying to be antisocial but because music helps me focus my thoughts and keep me pumped up as I go through the day.
21. My hands and feet are usually cold. But as Nina would say, "Cold hands mean a warm heart!" Puaha. And also the tip of my nose freezes when it's cold out.
22. I realllyyyy want to go spend a day in the city. Haven't been during the day since I've been at Cal -_- lol
23. I love to chill with people, I just suck at initiating. Sooo lemme know if you wanna hang out! I'm workin on it too :)
24. I sing when I'm alone. a looottt. (My floormates probably hear me sometimes, but whatev puaha.)
25. I wrote this list bit by bit over a course of a few days cause I can't just come up with 25 random things about me all at once! The end.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
random entertainment
• Dance videosss.
Ellen Kim from FunkanometrySF (now with the l0st kids?) is famazing. For some reason I cannot get over her choreo in this video.
• TV Update:
Gossip Girl - Ummm dan is a ho. sorry. >< One Tree Hill - hm, what's new..? it's a feel-good show Heroes - I think I'm gonna be permanently confused for this show Top Chef - Stefan is a beezy.. still love the show though Lost - Scurryyyy. Can't watch it alone! American Idol - mm we'll see.. Anoop = slumdog idol! haha jk that was borderline ignorant ABDC - Strikers All-Stars, Beat Freaks, and Quest are AWESOME. I need to stop watching tv (online).
• Celebrity Apprentice is returning March 1sttt
I wish I could be on The Apprentice! I dunno if I could do a good job, but the projects look so fun.
Brian McKnight, Scott Hamilton (gold medalist in figure skating), Dennis Rodman, Khloe Kardashian, Tom Green, etcetc, are ALL going to be on this season. It's also expanding to 2 hrs per episode, so it best be AMAZING. I have high hopes!
• Did anyone else see this commercial during the Super Bowl and think it was insanely funny like I did?
mmk I promise to write about actual stuff going on in my life soon. haha
Ellen Kim from FunkanometrySF (now with the l0st kids?) is famazing. For some reason I cannot get over her choreo in this video.
• TV Update:
Gossip Girl - Ummm dan is a ho. sorry. >< One Tree Hill - hm, what's new..? it's a feel-good show Heroes - I think I'm gonna be permanently confused for this show Top Chef - Stefan is a beezy.. still love the show though Lost - Scurryyyy. Can't watch it alone! American Idol - mm we'll see.. Anoop = slumdog idol! haha jk that was borderline ignorant ABDC - Strikers All-Stars, Beat Freaks, and Quest are AWESOME. I need to stop watching tv (online).
• Celebrity Apprentice is returning March 1sttt
I wish I could be on The Apprentice! I dunno if I could do a good job, but the projects look so fun.
Brian McKnight, Scott Hamilton (gold medalist in figure skating), Dennis Rodman, Khloe Kardashian, Tom Green, etcetc, are ALL going to be on this season. It's also expanding to 2 hrs per episode, so it best be AMAZING. I have high hopes!
• Did anyone else see this commercial during the Super Bowl and think it was insanely funny like I did?
mmk I promise to write about actual stuff going on in my life soon. haha
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I have returned from an insanely long blog hiatus!!!
Hi :)
Mmm I have a lot of different things I could talk about, but I'll wait till next post. For now, I leave you for your enjoyment:
Ne-Yo - Mad (favorite song)
E40 ft. Akon - Wake It Up (favorite dance)
Holladay Special (izz kyoot.)
Sensazn. Subscribe to them!
When they come up with new videos I guarantee you will smile.
Puaha that is all goodbyeee
Hi :)
Mmm I have a lot of different things I could talk about, but I'll wait till next post. For now, I leave you for your enjoyment:
Ne-Yo - Mad (favorite song)
E40 ft. Akon - Wake It Up (favorite dance)
Holladay Special (izz kyoot.)
Sensazn. Subscribe to them!
When they come up with new videos I guarantee you will smile.
Puaha that is all goodbyeee
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
i'm such a failure
at pulling all-nighters. (haha don't worry, not being emo. Just tired.)
So some people have seen me online at insane hours of the night/morning (but now that I think about it, 4:30am doesn't sound too insane anymore). BUT what I've realized is that I always, always, always end up cozily inside my bed somehow before I'm done studying and waking up just in time for my final or whatnot. I don't think I've ever gotten through like 24 hours without at least sleeping for an eighth of the time.... that's probably a good thing, right? *shrug!
On my list for next semester: regulate my sleeping schedule! Or else I will never grow taller! Ha.
In other news,

(someone random blogged about it and I found this through Google search. Love Google-ing!)
It snowed in Cupertino?? When/where/how? The cold these days makes me regret ever complaining about like 55 degree weather. It's kind of nice though! And I can know what to wear for the day without worrying about later on in the day. (<-- me being optimistic :))
Hm. All my blogs turn into mind-dumps. Oh well.. I just can't wait to go home and recuperate from ultra lack of sleep and home-cooked meals and favorite familiar places. Yeee!
X-Men Origins: Wolverine trailer
So some people have seen me online at insane hours of the night/morning (but now that I think about it, 4:30am doesn't sound too insane anymore). BUT what I've realized is that I always, always, always end up cozily inside my bed somehow before I'm done studying and waking up just in time for my final or whatnot. I don't think I've ever gotten through like 24 hours without at least sleeping for an eighth of the time.... that's probably a good thing, right? *shrug!
On my list for next semester: regulate my sleeping schedule! Or else I will never grow taller! Ha.
In other news,

(someone random blogged about it and I found this through Google search. Love Google-ing!)
It snowed in Cupertino?? When/where/how? The cold these days makes me regret ever complaining about like 55 degree weather. It's kind of nice though! And I can know what to wear for the day without worrying about later on in the day. (<-- me being optimistic :))
Hm. All my blogs turn into mind-dumps. Oh well.. I just can't wait to go home and recuperate from ultra lack of sleep and home-cooked meals and favorite familiar places. Yeee!
X-Men Origins: Wolverine trailer
Sunday, December 7, 2008
pre-finals mind dump!
I just need to get these things off my mind before I go into studying for finals.
• Break is going to be so long!
Nearly 40 days of break coming up, I'm afraid I won't know what to do with myself. BUT... here comes a shameless plug... I'll be working at my mom's new bookstore called Jump Q Educational Books & Toys. Yee! There are really good educational books and stuff for students from like pre-school to middle school, along with toys and gifts and what have you. If you have younger siblings who need to get some workbooks or somethin to keep em busy, hollaaaa!
• It's cold.
Okay, I know I have no right to say this, East Coasters... but it is frickin cold these days. That is all.
• I miss summer a bit.
On our CYS Japan Tour, we spent the entire last day of tour sitting in an amazing concert hall and recording a CD. The fruits of that day are finally here!! It sounds really good. And I had better be getting a free one even if I'm not in CYS still.
• Disneyland on my birthday?
Free admission, 4-day weekend (thank you, presidents!), Socal road trip. Last time I went was.. 8th or 9th grade? Sounds like a par-tay to mee!
I dunno though, this is totally tentative.
• Less than 2 weeks left
until my first semester of college is OVEr. On the 18th, I'll be driving home with a big fat smile on my face and excitement in my stomach. That is quite crazy!
• Sososo excited for holiday-ness!
Call me cliche or whatever but I'm getting more excited than ever for the holidays. Walking into a store and hearing Christmas songs (NSYNC - Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays.. or Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas is You, anyone?) = best thing everr.
And hence the change in blog colors. Love it? Hate it? Eh, whatever? lemme know...
• Things I reallyreallyreally want/need/have to do:
- Eat pho
- Ice skating
- Christmas in the Park(!!!)
- Go to the cityyy
- etcetcetc.
okay. gots to focus on finals first, so buhbye! :)
So a few weeks ago, during a math review session, some girl stands up in the middle of lecture and asks a question about the functions but then goes, "BUT HOW DID THEY DANCE?"
And so this is what happened:
yeah. I was right behind her in that "some random class."
Ohh Cal.
• Break is going to be so long!
Nearly 40 days of break coming up, I'm afraid I won't know what to do with myself. BUT... here comes a shameless plug... I'll be working at my mom's new bookstore called Jump Q Educational Books & Toys. Yee! There are really good educational books and stuff for students from like pre-school to middle school, along with toys and gifts and what have you. If you have younger siblings who need to get some workbooks or somethin to keep em busy, hollaaaa!
• It's cold.
Okay, I know I have no right to say this, East Coasters... but it is frickin cold these days. That is all.
• I miss summer a bit.
On our CYS Japan Tour, we spent the entire last day of tour sitting in an amazing concert hall and recording a CD. The fruits of that day are finally here!! It sounds really good. And I had better be getting a free one even if I'm not in CYS still.
• Disneyland on my birthday?
Free admission, 4-day weekend (thank you, presidents!), Socal road trip. Last time I went was.. 8th or 9th grade? Sounds like a par-tay to mee!
I dunno though, this is totally tentative.
• Less than 2 weeks left
until my first semester of college is OVEr. On the 18th, I'll be driving home with a big fat smile on my face and excitement in my stomach. That is quite crazy!
• Sososo excited for holiday-ness!
Call me cliche or whatever but I'm getting more excited than ever for the holidays. Walking into a store and hearing Christmas songs (NSYNC - Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays.. or Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas is You, anyone?) = best thing everr.
And hence the change in blog colors. Love it? Hate it? Eh, whatever? lemme know...
• Things I reallyreallyreally want/need/have to do:
- Eat pho
- Ice skating
- Christmas in the Park(!!!)
- Go to the cityyy
- etcetcetc.
okay. gots to focus on finals first, so buhbye! :)
So a few weeks ago, during a math review session, some girl stands up in the middle of lecture and asks a question about the functions but then goes, "BUT HOW DID THEY DANCE?"
And so this is what happened:
yeah. I was right behind her in that "some random class."
Ohh Cal.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
sleep! (or lack thereof.)
A floormate today told me, as we were brushing our teeth at around 10:30pm, that he was going to "Pull a June." I gave him a quizzical look and he specified, saying that he was going to be up until at least 3am. Yeah.
Fabulous! I was hoping "Pulling a June" would be something crazier or more exciting like.. spontaneously deciding to go for a run at midnight or knowing how to do a hundred different things really well.
Oh well. But it really goes to show what kind of reputation I've built up on my floor. HAha I really shouldn't be complaining because I used to shower at like 3 or 4am once every few nights (mornings?) or so. But that also means some of my floormates are also up at that time... so how did it end up that I'm the one known to stay up "all night?" Either way, I've renounced that practice because I decided it couldn't be good for my health at all. (Ha, I catch on quick, don't I?)
One thing really different from high school is that I never take naps anymore. WEIRD. Back in the day, naps were totally the cool thing to do after you get back from school. It was so necessary. But I guess starting class at 930 or 10 helps, huh?
Anyhoo, it doesn't look like I'll be erasing that reputation any time soon because I realized today that I have a million things to do until finals. Then take finals. THEN go on break. (A very gloriously long one, to be exact.)
It's almost 3am. Go figure.
Fabulous! I was hoping "Pulling a June" would be something crazier or more exciting like.. spontaneously deciding to go for a run at midnight or knowing how to do a hundred different things really well.
Oh well. But it really goes to show what kind of reputation I've built up on my floor. HAha I really shouldn't be complaining because I used to shower at like 3 or 4am once every few nights (mornings?) or so. But that also means some of my floormates are also up at that time... so how did it end up that I'm the one known to stay up "all night?" Either way, I've renounced that practice because I decided it couldn't be good for my health at all. (Ha, I catch on quick, don't I?)
One thing really different from high school is that I never take naps anymore. WEIRD. Back in the day, naps were totally the cool thing to do after you get back from school. It was so necessary. But I guess starting class at 930 or 10 helps, huh?
Anyhoo, it doesn't look like I'll be erasing that reputation any time soon because I realized today that I have a million things to do until finals. Then take finals. THEN go on break. (A very gloriously long one, to be exact.)
It's almost 3am. Go figure.
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